it was so nice to see we have just as much in common now (sans the hubbie and kids) as we did then. we spend nearly two hours complaining about the church and our respective parent's strange obsession with all things religious. we have the same issues with our dads and dislike of our younger brother's choices in wives (not you holli!).
it's strange to go from talking about which member of n.k.o.t.b we want going to hump to discussing real life problems. i felt so grown up, which i'm sure won't last long.
Sounds like a great time. It's nice getting together with old friends you haven't seen FOREVER! I love the picture.
Jonathon was always my pic. I'm trying to talk ryan into setting his ringtone for me to 'i'll be loving you forever'
I love you, Melinda, and my wife!!
an old friend: it's really nice getting together with old pals, but it's much easier when you know who they are, hint hint! (email me.)
midge: me too! he was quiet and for some reason i dug that. steal ryan's phone and just do it.
jeff: i'm glad you love your wife. and i want everyone to understand while i may have not handpicked jeff's wife, i'm thrilled she makes him happy, because really isn't that the most important thing? i don't have to love her, as long as he does--which he does!
Seeing old friends is such a great thing to do! I'm glad you still have so much in common. That doesn't happen very often. Do you have plans to stay in touch often?
I'm just wondering if you ever got in an extra full bubble bath with this friend..... =)
Bella, if you're going to placate your brother w/ comments, at least say something shitty about her to make it worth it!
Awwww...I'm so touched that I made it into your blog! You were as beautiful and entertaining as always. Next time let's make sure there is plenty of alcohol involved. That way we can revert back to the juvenile delinquents we have always been and stop pretending to be grown-ups. Oh and Jeff sweetie, I love you too! You always were too damn charming for your own good!
speaking of which we need to have a girly party soon, and about the new in-law sadly for her I do know you do have a very good judge of character hmmm... I guess I can share my family with you if you want their kinda fun.
Had your brother not commented I don't think anyone would have given a second thought to your comment about not choosing sister in laws. It wasn't directed with names, and it wasn't hurtful, in my humble opinion. With Jeff's comment that he loves his wife I can see now that someones upset. You can't please everyone so don't worry. I gather theres a story you aren't sharing. That's the stuff I'd love to hear, but imagine feathers would be ruffled.
Way to play it cool by saying you don't have to love her as long as he does that's all that's important. Classy as always Sarah! Sounds like by past blogs your other sister in law appreciates and loves you. Smart gal she is!
How many sister in laws do you have? I know you have lots of brothers. Which sis sucks?
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