This is my personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of any employer (past or present). I do not regulate or approve reader comments on this blog. I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or other online content that I may link to.
It's really amazing the perplexing things some of you people do in our office while I'm preparing my lunch...
I need one of these for my forehead this week.
I know a good repairman
This can happen to you when you when you are married with children also. We call it ESPN (End Stage Pelvic Neglect)
I'm saving this pic in case you ever run for office :)
Pretty in pink! I doubt it's out of order by your choice.
After reading this post and the previous one...I'm now wondering why you were ever worried about sexual harrassment. Just a thought.
Have you heard the joke about women and wedding cake?
When you do get married, keep the sign
I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I have so many emotions going on right now.
That was the funniest thing of the New Year so far. In a sad, and tragic sort of way.
the next time you visit your mother, i suspect she'll put a "DO NOT ENTER" sign up.
I need one.
Everytime i visit your blog, i crack up at those pics!
lol worthy indeed!
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