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Monday, February 27, 2006

the one where she needs a boyfriend....and his tub.

i had a crummy day (the reasons need not be blogged), but then i remembered i had new tubby juice, i just love bath and body coupons! so, all day i am looking forward to coming home for a nice relaxing tubby, and when i get something in my head i want nothing stops me, or so i thought....

aromatherapy lavender vanilla foaming bath. √
scrumptious sugar scrub. √
glass of wine. √√
current new yorker complete with new sedaris story. √
billie holiday music. √

locked the front door to stop any surprise guests....and i was set. i just got settled in when i heard someone coming up the stairs. please, please don't be for me. ben lives across the hall, let it be one of his lame friends. nadda. loud knocking at my door. crappity crap crap. i get out, all while telling myself-- it's probably just krissy and she forgot something. again, nadda. my downstairs neighbor was there to inform me my tub was leaking through her ceiling. double crappity crap crap. thus endeth the near fabulous tubby i have been looking forward to, and thus endeth my evening plans. argh....

at least now there is a reason to finish off that bottle of wine.


Anonymous said...

You are the one who makes me laugh

Sarah Bellum said...


Dave said...

i have one of those huge tubs you can fit three people in. come use it any time. i might even be willing to leave the room.

(hrm, that would be kind of weird, driving to the other side of town just to take a bath.)

Anonymous said...

You're blog is great! Even your apartment gets into the action with a leak on your neighbor. I am totally addicted!

Anonymous said...

As an avid tub goer myself I'd have to agree that there's nothing worse than a leaky tub to spoil your day. On the bright side - at least your neighbor is the one who has to sleep in the 'wet' spot.

Sarah Bellum said...

why thank you justin. i have always said addiction is GOOD! don't be a quitter now, you hear me??

Anonymous said...

Hmm I thought I was trying to fit this description...

ms aimee said...
