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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

forgive me father, for i have sinned.

i’d like to take a quick moment to apologize to anyone who faced a crummy snow-packed commute this morning. you see, i am convinced the weather is directly related to my karma. my BAD karma.

when i am walking up to my apartment and see crazy chick, i can’t help but have negative thoughts towards her, and by negative thoughts i mean horrific torture:

-starving daisy for a week, dipping her in gravy, tying her down, and letting daisy have at her.
-forcing her to wear clothes that actually look good on her (gasp).
-tying her down in the street and letting those pesky long-boarders run her over, again, and again…
-giving ben countless sugared energy drinks and letting him drive her around downtown.
-forcing her to listen to selections from justin's ipod, which may or may not contain bad abba covers.
-and lastly letting yours truly drink tequila before speaking to her...


Anonymous said...

Food or no food, I can't believe any dog with the name Daisy could ever be considered vicious enough to "have at her." Perhaps the name Daisy is like the name "Tiny" given to a very large individual. Wait, isn't Daisy a pug?

Sarah Bellum said...

daisy/uno can be mean, when provoked with food or teasing, and if that doesn't work she will annoy her to death with the snorting, and if that doesn't work-death by pug ass most certainly will!

tgi56 said...

Blog us a picture of "crazy chick".....

Jason said...

I am currently working in Washington DC for a few months so I missed the most recent blizzard. In fact, while it was snowing mercilessly back in SLC it was nearly 80 degrees here. Today, it was cold again. About 40 degrees with wind chill dropping it into the low 30's. Getting to wear tee shirts for a couple of days before having it ripped away from you demonstrates what a sadist God/mother nature/Allah/Buddah/Shiva/etc. is and suggests that he/she/it/they must be destroyed. Or the weather needs to warm up permanantly. Whichever comes first....Deicide or Summer.

Sarah Bellum said...

thank god i'm 56 or tgi56 whatever--i can't blog a pic of something i don't have. nor will i be able to snap a pic, since she won't so much as look in my direction.