While driving through Utah County on Friday I saw this sign:

It got worse. A few miles later I saw one that said, "Eight kids, all girls, 120 pairs of shoes."
And another couple of miles, "Two toddlers, twins on the way and 1/2 ton of laundry."
If I lived in Utah County rather than going out and buying whatever these slogans are offering, I'd go home and shoot myself.
A hundred and twenty pairs of shoes aren't nearly enough to be shared between eight people.
It's Utah County, where "Leave it to Beaver" is a reality show.
"Justified Suicide" nearly put me into comedic coma.
You know, I saw all those billboards when I drove down last weekend and thought the same things.
Everyone knows the only reason to live in Utah county is to start popping out the babies. I think they put it in the water. That's what happened to me.
No condoms on Sunday makes for a Very STD Sabbath. Forget that.
I saw those billboards when we were in Utah this summer. I was floored, totally floored.
Granite....hard enough to kill someone with. Now there's a slogan
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