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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

what's in a name....

i'm forgetful....

which would explain my need for lists, and blue pens. somewhere in my quirky nature i have convinced myself that blue just makes words prettier. forgetfulness must be a genetic thing, since ben is the same way.

finally, after months of cultivation and growing a set, ben finally asked out a girl he had a crush on at school. if he read this and saw i called it a crush he would be pissed, luckily he is too lazy to read it. i can just hear him now, "sa-RAH, i don't have crushes, i'm too old for that". sure ben, you're too old for a school crush, but not too old to ask your sister to "do your hair". here comes the fun part....he couldn't remember her name after six months of classes together.

i've been scheming all week, i was positive i could come up with some brilliant plan to ask her name without really asking her name. after all, i am the girl who had her date introduce himself to daisy. he was none the wiser, and the evening went flawlessly, that is once i knew his name! i've spent all week racking my brain for an idea, nothing, nadda, zilch.

ben just called, he solved the dilemma. how?? he asked her if she spelled her name conventionally or something cutsey, turns out she is a kristina--with a k. so, not only did he come across as the sensitive caring type he covered his genetic flaw. simple, yet i couldn't come up with it.

now, if you'll excuse me i have to return a call. to whom, is the question....


Anonymous said...

You have everyone in on the action brothers, neighbors, office people. Funny stuff keep up the bloging.

Anonymous said...

Here's the best play I've ever tried (two people required)(my ex and I had this down to a SCIENCE!):

We'll use your example of Ben and yourself. You both approach the "crush" and Ben strikes up a happy conversation. After a minute or two, you playfully hit Ben and turn to the chick with a smile and say "Ben's so rude sometimes- Hi, I'm Sarah." She, of course, will laugh and say "Hi, I'm Kristina." Then Ben smiles repentantly, apologizes, and you all walk happily into the sunset.

Sarah Bellum said...

mysterious schemer, of course i thought of that one, but that would require me to either a)go to the school with him or b)chaperone his date. neither of which i was willing to do. i've got that whole good sister thing going for me. otherwise i'd embarrass the hell out of him.

ps. the good sister thing is new. obviously.

Clint Gardner said...

One word: Mulva.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Ben cute, but he's pretty bright, too.

Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I have a friend from college that I called Sean for probably 3 months, as I thought that was his name. A mutual friend and I were talking one day and I mentioned "Sean". He said, "His name is Kevin." I asked Kevin about it and why he never corrected me. His reply?

"Lots of people call me Sean."

Luckily some people aren't picky. But they are few and far between.

Bravo to Ben on his quick thinking.