i would like to take a moment and apologize for this next post. i know you don't approve of my sbux obsession/addiction. however, i'm fantastic, so i'm hoping you will overlook this minor detail. i, sarah middlenameless _____, do solemnly swear never to ask you to enter said establishment. while in your presence i will always frequent coffeehouses of your choice.
with that out of the way here it goes....

that frog is full of shit, going green is good!
I have a black Starbucks employee hat that you're more than welcome to have.
So desu ne...
anon: mattaku desu.
you need to include the leggings in the picture.
What started this Starbucks obsession?
You look good in green.
More Photos of you would be appreciated.
sam: reqest taken into consideration.
smug: thanks m'dear!! that's quite a compliment.
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