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Saturday, December 09, 2006

she got mad skillz...

today’s a weird day for me. two years ago this day i met someone who i thought was not only amazing, but someone who would play a significant role in my life. i wasn’t entirely wrong--this person did play a significant role in my life, it just wasn’t exactly what i had hoped for.

when it comes to reading people i’m lousy, and i’ve always known that. last night while out with some friends, ‘gina (known in other circles simply as beth) informed me she is excellent at reading people. i immediately put her to the test, she passed with flying colors when she was not only able to read every male in our group, but the justin timberlake impersonator.

i’m not sure how you obtain a handy skill like that, but i wanna. in fact, i’d like to think my future happiness depends on it!


Lincoln said...

I'm so incredibly lousy at reading people. Can I borrow her from time to time? Hell..can I borrow her to read myself?

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Bellum--

Isn't it ironic when you meet someone you think will be your friend forever, and all you really end up with is a restraining order? *sigh*


Sarah Bellum said...

perhaps she can start a consulting biz: read you, pay me.

mikey: that hasn't happened. yet.

Dave said...

mikey, they say that love has no distance. however, the judge told me it's 1000 feet.

Anonymous said...

Spill the beans, Bellum. Who's the person? You didn't specify gender so I assume it's a man.