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Monday, December 04, 2006

no such thing as ghosts?

today a co-worker was telling me about her nephew’s recent LDS baptism. it reminded me of my baptism many, many years ago. the baptism itself went fine, it was like going swimming so no biggie. the confirmation of the holy ghost, however, didn’'t go quite as well. for those of you who aren’'t familiar with the LDS faith, a child is baptized and confirmed at the age of 8. i won’t try and explain in depth because frankly, i would confuse all of us. ask your friendly neighborhood mormon for a better explanation.

as a child i took everything in a literal sense. when i heard the word serial killer on the news i refused breakfast cereal for months, in fear a killer would jump out of my cereal and take my life. so when i was told i would be confirmed with the holy ghost i was terrified. i was hysterical and wanted nothing to do with a ghost let alone letting someone put one inside of me! i remember sobbing until my mom explained it was more like casper the friendly ghost than a scary ghost. i was hesitant but i went though with it when she reminded me my favorite aunt christine had bought me a charm bracelet for the occasion. even then i would do anything for jewelry!


Maddie said...

I used to know a girl who would tiptoe around nursery (on Sundays), grabbing children and yelling, "The holy ghost, is gonna getcha!"

Anonymous said...

What an overactive imagination you had and still have!

Anonymous said...

You were blasphemous from the very start weren't you? I can respect and admire that more than you know. Thank God and the Holy Ghost neither of my children have an imagination like that. I'd never survive the antics. It's cute on you.

Anonymous said...

Only you Bellum. Your poor parents.

Anonymous said...

Stand back folks the lightening could hit at any moment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, anonymous chicken-shit... First of all, God has NEVER in recorded history struck anyone with lightning for blasphemy. Secondly, that is only blasphemy on your uptight planet.

Sarah Bellum said...

pants: that's my favorite story, and i only wish i had done that. sadly, it would just be creepy now.

telling it like it is: mom, is that you??

pops: if my mom survived anyone can.

dennis: don't kid yourself, they liked the entertainment.

anon: online lightening? odd.

pete: thanks for the backup. stick around would ya? i'm sure there will be plenty more offending.