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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

baby blue jesus

ben's friend kevin was here visiting last week. being from oakland, visiting slc for the first time was a bit of a culture shock for the lad.

for entertainment purposes i thought i would share some or his trip highlights, at least in my opinion.

going to the LDS institute on the U of U campus and stumbling upon an ATM machine. it makes sense.... i guess, easy access to your funds so you can give 10% away to the church.

he also made a trip to temple square, alone i might add, where he decided our jesus is bigger than his jesus!

when he went for a walk alone i immediately assumed he was a secret smoker, not that there is anything wrong with that! apparently it was really to see the olympic “art” at the u of "you" stadium, where he was accosted by a very proud utahan. she proceeded to tell kevin her feelings concerning the 2002 winter olympics’. she was absolutely horrified that there will be future winter games held in cities around the globe. she had hoped that the games would end here in slc. after all, it's a really great state. i only hope he explained to her they are held every four years despite the fact some nutty locals want to keep them in utah forever. duh.


Dave said...

wait, why did you go to the LDS institute?

Sarah Bellum said...

i didn't. no way.