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Saturday, November 11, 2006

at home with the kids

with thanksgiving just around the corner, i've been given a taste of the kids table. everyone's family is the same, right? grown-up table in one room, the kids table complete with the drunk uncle in another room. i was fortunate enough to be thrown with the kids for years. it's cool, kids are way more fun, even if their conversations revolving around harry potter leave me silent-- it's still better than the alternative. the past few years i've been stuck with the adults, as hard as i tried to get around it, i was stuck in the adult work discussing republican politics. yikes!

last night the in staff went to the taste of utah, where we stuck out like sore thumbs. clad in jeans and a tee-shirt i was a little surprised and mortified to find it a suit and tie affair. i found our table and was relieved to find i was sitting at the kids table, conveniently located close to the bar and exit. i was content just not to be stuck anywhere near the multiple guys seen wearing bow ties. isn't there a law that stops anyone under 70 from purchasing those? well there should be! the only bow tie i want at dinner is in a pasta salad.

i can keep my own with the perma tan crowd, i just need to know what i'm getting into. i keep extra make-up around for those events. however, i'm without aging stripper clothing. something i must work on ASAP!


Annie, The Evil Queen said...

I love the kids table. We look for it at every event. Any table by the bar/exit/dance floor is for me.

Anonymous said...

Ask Tucker Carson where he gets his bow tie. Oh wait, he stopped wearing one after Jon Stewart skewered him about his.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is where you were last night? I thought you would be down to drink with us. We all agreed you were on a hot date for research.

h.justin said...

I'll stand up for the bow tie. Nothing wrong with them - except for clip-on versions.

Sarah Bellum said...

annie: it's way more fun!

pmk: another reason i heart the man.

beer bond: sorry, i didn't make it down. i was busy looking for a date among the perma-tan crowd, and really, can you blame me?

h. justin: i can approve a tud related bow tie, nothing else.