This is my personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of any employer (past or present). I do not regulate or approve reader comments on this blog. I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or other online content that I may link to.
Wowzers. That one is for sure a keeper!
No way. You have to tell us the 5th one.
have you had all those compliments?
I think everyone should submit their own proposed "5th compliment" here. Any takers??? :)
cornflake girl: he's a good one, for sure.
anon: not a chance.
ms. aimee: yes, and all from the same person.
that one guy: brilliant idea, do it!
In the spirit of That One Guy's suggestion:
You are the sexiest blogger on my RSS feed.
Now that is a real compliment!
My compliment:
Your blog is the first one I read everyday. Coffee and Bellum, what a way to start the day. Move over Folgers.
My favorite compliment? Boy, your mouth sure does open wide.
Are you hanging out in bars in Layton?
And number four doesn't even make sense; we all know you were born good - its taken many years of practice to perfect your craft.
Let's hear number five!
Last anon was me. Sorry, I know how you hate it when I do that.
anon1 & dennis: thanks!
princess: that IS impressive.
ak/anon: #5 was the best, "you're like darth vadar...deep, deep down you are good".
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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